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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Stefan Malloch - A Journey to Qualified PPOC Judge: Reflections on Six Years with the PPOC

In the realm of photography, the path to mastery is a winding road marked by countless clicks of the shutter, endless hours of editing, and a realization that learning is forever. For many photographers, reaching the pinnacle of their craft means more than just capturing stunning images, it's about becoming recognized and respected by peers, and perhaps even becoming a judge who can inspire and guide others on their own photographic journeys. My adventure to becoming an Accredited Professional Judge with the PPOC (Professional Photographers of Canada) has been a transformative journey, marked by moments of humility, unexpected growth, and the unwavering support of an incredible community.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Stefan Malloch CPA - Exponential Growth as a Photographer; My Journey in Photo Competitions

A photo of two vibrant blue and red beta fish on a black background
Photography has always been a passion of mine and over the years, I have honed my skills and developed a keen eye for capturing the “perfect shot”, whatever that is. There are so many factors in what is considered “a great photograph.” It was not until I started entering photo competitions that I truly saw the impact it had on my growth as a photographer. Participating in photo competitions, specifically with the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) and others, has helped me improve my skills and advance my career.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

AI and Copyright: Critical Evolving Issues for Photographers

An AI generated, futuristic image of a copyright logo
Abstract: In this post, lawyer and award-winning landscape photographer Jason Marino discusses critical copyright and related issues every photographer using AI needs to know right now. With reference to popular AI image generation platforms such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and Dall-E, Jason breaks down the need-to-know issues into bite-sized chunks easily digestible by photographers of every genre and level. He examines the latest, headline-grabbing cases working their way through the courts as well as the March 2023 guidance issued by the U.S.Copyright Office, and, drawing lessons from those cases and guidance, he suggests several practical points that photographers should keep in mind when using AI in order to maximize their potential for copyright protection and minimize the potential for other intellectual property problems.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Featured Member: Trevor Pottleberg CPA

A pair of sandhill cranes in flight against a white background
Trevor Pottelberg is a professional photographer and photo educator based out of Southwestern, Ontario, Canada. Specializing in ethical wildlife, landscape, astro & wave photography, his photographic portfolio is packed full of beautiful Canadian scenes. His love for nature conservation and the great outdoors is apparent in each of his photographs.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Using Mirrorless Camera Exposure Settings on a Century-old Large Format Camera

a large format camera sits in front of a foggy train bridge across a coulee.
Using Mirrorless Camera Exposure Settings on a Century-old Large Format Camera By Graham Ruttan

Monday, May 30, 2022


Congratulations to the Award Winners in the National Image Competition 2022. Submitted by National Blog Chair, Mona D'Amours Be inspired by the creative talents of some of Canada's best photographers recognized virtually at the 75th Annual Awards Gala, April 23, 2022. Be thankful that Lisa Demaline assumed the daunting role of National Image Salon Chair which she said "I couldn't have done it without a massive amount of training and help from our past Salon Chair, Gerry David, and our NEC Chair, Tina Weltz." There were 600 submissions representing 154 photographers. Awards were presented for 418 images representing 131 accredited PPOC photographers who were recognized with Accepted, Merit, or Excellence designations. Each award was judged on the basis of Impact, Vision, Technical Excellence and Composition, each of equal value. All award winning images will be published, and are available for advance orders in the beautifully designed 12x12 inch hardcover Inspiration Book 2022. Among these outstanding images, there were Judges Choice Awards, and Loan Collection Awards. In this article, we will feature the Best in Class images, and the Photographers of the Year: Commercial, Kristian Bogner - Portrait, Becky Fleury - Wedding, Rabih Madi - Photographic Artist, Louis-Philippe Provost.

Inspiration Books / Livre Inspiration!

Many of you will be familiar with PPOC’s Inspiration Book, an annual collection of all of the best imagery from the PPOC National Image Competition. This stunning 12” x 12” hard cover book, produced by Custom Colour Imaging and Publishing in Toronto, includes ALL of the images scoring Accepted, Merit, and Excellence in PPOC’s annual National Salon. Aptly named, these volumes provide inspiration for photographic artists, and are a treasured record of the talents of PPOC members through the years.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Submitted by Mona D’Amours Becoming a PPOC volunteer is like walking a tight rope with friends ready to catch you if you fall. It's a challenging adventure worth the risk. We might presume that the success of PPOC is based on the professional quality of photography shared by the members. Though this is in part the reason, it is the volunteer base that provides the countless services we take for granted. PPOC volunteers educate, guide, and support each of us. I would like to share with you the benefits of becoming a volunteer. In doing so, I would also like to recognize all PPOC volunteers, those I haven't met, and those I will meet one day. Volunteers are the heart of PPOC.