Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC)
PPOC is a diversified group of creative artists dedicated
to the highest standards in professional imaging
Why Choose an Accredited Photographer?
PPOC’s accreditation process recognizes photographers who have reached a nationally accepted standard of proficiency and knowledge in photographic arts.
Why become a member?
PPOC welcomes photographers of all genres to join our community. Meet new friends and mentors and take advantage of the wealth of experience and knowledge.
Be Inspired
PPOC’s Annual juried exhibition showcases the passion, vision, creativity and technical skills of its members from coast to coast. Be both awed and inspired by their talents.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you considering a professional photographer to capture treasured family memories, record important events, or represent your corporate image? If you’re a photography consumer, what things should you consider in making your decision?
Hire with confidence
Accredited photographers possess the experience, knowledge, and equipment to provide you with a quality product in their area of expertise.
Canadian Imaging Conference & Expo
PPOC's 2024 Canadian Imaging Conference & Expo will be held in Victoria, BC, April 5 - 7th. Get ready for three full days of education, social opportunities & PPOC's Annual Awards Gala.
Commercial Partners
PPOC’s Commercial Partners support our association, our members, and the professional photographic industry in Canada.
Check out the latest news!
Stay on top of the latest in industry tips, techniques and talk and find out what’s new and now.
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion
The PPOC is committed to empowering and elevating photographers from all backgrounds. Through continuing consultation, education and systemic change, we also pledge to listen and learn from our fellow photographers and their experiences.
A voice to protect photographers
In collaboration with CAPIC, PPOC continues to advocate on behalf of professional photographers to negotiate fair and just Copyright Laws by lobbying with Government to protect authorship and use of photographic images.
Find out what's happening.
One of PPOC’s greatest membership benefits is the opportunity for fellowship with peers. See which of PPOC’s networking and educational opportunities can help you grow, in both business and photographic skill.
Members only area
Welcome back Member! Log back in to your member account to find out the latest PPOC news, update your profile, and access benefits available only to PPOC members.