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Thursday, August 6, 2020

World Photography Cup Team Canada 2021 Info

Monday, July 27, 2020


(Story submitted by Krista Powers. Images by MaryEllen Nealis). It is a great pleasure and honour today to feature spotlight one of our PPOC Atlantic Members. This month our feature is with a highly valued, and long standing member, MaryEllen Nealis MPA, PPOCA Fellowship, 8th Masters Bar. MaryEllen Nealis joined the PPOC in 1989. She has been a Regional and National Judge many times over, including acting as a Jury Chair, being a PPOC board member, and serving our association several times over the years. She is the first to admit that although she joined in 1989, it wasn’t until 1997 that she started entering print competitions.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Story by Mike Wing. I've only been a member of the Eastern Ontario Branch of the PPOC for one short year. Despite being new to the organization, I have a lot to share about my experience, which could help anyone considering membership. I'm going to share a little about how I found the PPOC, what made me join and my experience since becoming a member. Finally, I'll share some tips on what has helped me find success in the organization. Hopefully, they will help you overcome some of the growing pains that come with being a newcomer to an established professional group. So let's dive right in!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Heavy Lifting With Affinity Photo

(Article submitted by Bill Booth). A majority of you likely work with Adobe Photoshop to edit your images -- for very good reasons. Familiarity, excellent results, utilizing the know-how you have learned over the years. Now there is a top notch alternative, at a reasonable price, without sacrificing the quality of the outcome. If you are unhappy with the subscription model of Photo Shop, you should consider AffinityPhoto. (Free trial available).

Monday, June 15, 2020


Story and Images by Charmaine Toews. I live on a country property
with a couple of acres. For the last two years we have had laying hens so we can enjoy the pleasure of gathering our own eggs from our free-range chickens. They sleep in a coop, but during the summer days they wander a huge area of our yard that also has a large natural pond. They are happy chickens, we like to think. Well, when we got a new batch of 20 chicks to increase our number of layers, it only seemed right to photograph them.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


computer screen
(Submitted by Mark Laurie. Images by Glenn Krahulic)  - I was helping a PPOC member (Glenn Krahulic) to prepare his accreditation submission. The process might be helpful to you. Look at your body of work, what do you have the most of right now? What category will these images fit into? Rapidly go through them, select raw images with the finished images. Don't dwell too much on each image for its merits etc. Let your mind consider parts of the photo too. Do this quickly, and amass a large group of files.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


The Professional Photographers of Canada had big plans to celebrate their 50th Anniversary (1970-2020) along with their Awards Gala in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan April 24 - 27th. Unfortunately, those plans abruptly changed with the growing restrictions due to COVID-19. Instead of canceling the entire convention, it was decided to go ahead with the first (and hopefully last) Virtual Awards Gala that celebrates the successes and achievements of the dedicated service of their members as well as their photography skills. Many thanks to all those involved in producing this event.

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Story / Images by Victoria West. When I showed “Humane Meat” to my father, he said “do you think that one day you'll make something that I can actually hang on the wall? Your mind is a scary place.”