Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Looking For Inspiration

What to do when you are lacking inspiration? Some people find inspiration in taking a bath. Others by going for a run for a few kilometers. Often it's just about letting go and the inspiration comes on its own.



Me, I go back to the sources, quite simply. That is to say, I go see my friend Carl who always has a knack for cheering me up and giving me that little kick in the butt that I always need when I'm lacking inspiration. His farm and his large workshop have always been my favorite place to work on special projects. I know where the best light is and I know that Carl is always a subject willing to do anything to help me create special portraits. Carl is a sculptor artist and understands the artistic path well.


For this session, I simply wrote a list of words representing moods or emotions and asked Carl to interpret them with his face and hands. I had done the exercise with a clown before and it worked really well so why not with a face without makeup?

portraits man

As a bonus, one of these images received a Merit at the national competition

expressions face male

So, are you lacking inspiration? Find a friends willing to help and try this exercise. You will find that there is nothing like a creative photo session to get you out of the creative torpor.

And above all, have fun!

 Submitted by Claude Brazeau.

Claude is a Master Photographer with the PPOC. He has 20 Accreditations covering a variety of Portrait and Lighting Styles, as well as for Weddings, Animals, and Landscape. He primarily is a portrait photographer but also specializes in Events and Wedding photography. He operates his business in the Ottawa area. You can find his website at brazeauphoto.com. He is a consistent Award Winner year after year with the PPOC. His most recent accomplishments include - the 2020 Canada: Best In Class Portrait, and 2020 Ontario: Portrait Photographer of the Year.

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En manque d’inspiration ?

Que faire lorsqu’on est en manque d’inspiration ?

Certaines personnes trouvent l’inspiration en prenant un bain. D’autres en allant courir quelques kilomètres. Souvent il ne s’agit que de lâcher prise et l’inspiration vient toute seule.

portraits emotions

Moi je retourne aux sources, tout simplement. C’est à dire, je vais voir mon ami Carl qui a toujours le tour de me remonter le moral et me donner le petit coup de pied au derrière que j’ai toujours besoin lorsque j’ai un manque d’inspiration. Sa ferme et son grand atelier ont toujours été mon endroit préféré pour faire mes images. Je sais où est la belle lumière et je sais que Carl est toujours un sujet prêt à tout pour m’aider à créer des portraits hors de l’ordinaire. Carl est un artiste sculpteur et comprend bien le cheminement artistique.

man emotions face

Pour cette séance, j’ai tout simplement écrit une liste de mots représentant des états d’âme ou des émotions et demandé à Carl de les interpréter avec son visage et ses mains. J’avais déjà fait l’exercice avec un clown et ça avait très bien fonctionner alors pourquoi pas avec un visage sans maquillage ?

Et surprise, une de ces images a reçu un mérite à la compétition nationale.

Alors, vous êtes en manque d’inspiration? Trouvez votre Carl et essayez cet exercice. Vous verrez qu’il n’y a rien comme un bon ami pour vous sortir de la torpeur créative.

Et surtout, amusez-vous bien !

 Submitted by Claude Brazeau.

Claude is a Master Photographer with the PPOC. He has 20 Accreditations covering a variety of Portrait and Lighting Styles, as well as for Weddings, Animals, and Landscape. He primarily is a portrait photographer but also specializes in Events and Wedding photography. He operates his business in the Ottawa area. You can find his website at brazeauphoto.com. He is a consistent Award Winner year after year with the PPOC. His most recent accomplishments include - the 2020 Canada: Best In Class Portrait, and 2020 Ontario: Portrait Photographer of the Year.



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