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Canada - Spectacular Day or Night - © Philomena Hughes MPA

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Covid 19 Pandemic

Covid 19 Pandemic


January 28, 2021

PPOC-BC has been in contact with a client services representative at Dr. Bonnie Henry’s office and here is the updated information for Professional Photographers in BC:Unlike Ontario and Alberta who have specifically restricted photographers to providing “commercial photography services only”, British Columbia has put no specific restrictions on our industry. Most businesses in BC are allowed to operate if they have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place that takes into account the current Province Wide Restrictions explained on the BC COVID-19 response website: Covid-19-provincial-support/restrictionsTherefore the key is that all photographers must have an up-to-date COVID-19 Safety Plan and be prepared to show this if a by-law or RCMP officer visits your photography session. If there is doubt, about the session being classified as an “event” the Officer must seek the opinion of the Provincial Health Authority.According to the provincial health order professional photographers are restricted by the regulations and size limitations for events and social gatherings. The greatest challenge is in photographing groups, for example a family portrait session. Professional photographers are allowed to conduct portrait sessions for people within a core bubble and the onus is on the client to honestly declare who is in their core bubble. For now, it is suggested that professional photographers are allowed to operate with a COVID-19 safety plan in place and a solid understanding of the current BC regulations. Always err on the side of caution. The safety of your clients and yourself are of utmost importance.


For national resources, recommendations, and guidelines visit the Professional Photographers of Canada: COVID Plan www.ppoc.ca


Kathryn Gardner

BC Chair




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