Friday, October 1, 2021
Vaccine Card
COVID-19 Passport
The newly implemented Covid-19 Passport (Vaccine Card) raises a couple of questions that needed answers to.
As photographers we deal with large and small groups of the general public during our assignments, which begs the question “are we required to see all individuals covid-19 passports”? “As small business’s do we have the right to ask to view an individual’s vaccine card when entering your studio”.
If you are hired to cover an event like a wedding or commercial event, it is up to the organizer not you to have people in place to verify proof of vaccine.
From time to time we are commissioned to photograph large groups for a business or perhaps an organization requesting a large indoor group portrait. If the group exceeds 50 individuals’, you are required as the organizer to ask for proof of vaccine. You will require a QR reader for your cell phone that will allow you to read the BC Vaccine QR and verify it, so go to the app store and download the BC Vaccine Card Verifier.
When clients enter your studio for a portrait you can ask to see their vaccine card stored on their cell phone if you choose to but they are not required to show it to you.
For a detailed list of where the proof of vaccine card will and won’t be required go to Currently small photography studios are not on this list therefore not required to ask for proof of vaccine.
Larry Scherban Vice Chair PPOC BC