PPOC-BC display image
Canada - Spectacular Day or Night - © Philomena Hughes MPA

Thursday, February 8, 2024

PPOC-BC Accreditation 101

     Accreditation is a great way to push yourself as a photographer and earn Merits towards your PPOC Designations.   We are excited to have our Accreditation Chair, Terrill Bodner speak to us on the topic of Accreditation on February 8th, 7pm via Zoom.
     We will also have a panel of judges at presentation to offer critique on images you are considering submitting.  Due to time restraints, we are limiting the number of images for critique to 5 per person.  
Please forward images to Corrie Lindroos at bcinterior@ppoc.ca by not later than February 8th at 5pm PST.  
This is a free event, but registration is required:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ppoc-bc-accreditation-101-free-online-event-4302-0021-tickets-803295988927 
Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82876694188?pwd=UWVJTytTTG5aWjZDR0cyditmekhqQT09



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