PPOC-ON display image
Day to Night in 36 Slices of Time - © Alph Leydon MPA


For Immediate Release

Lack of consultation with Professional Photographers of Canada leads to confusion amongst Photographers

May 25, 2021, Woodstock, Ontario – The May 20th, 2021 release of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopening has left photographers across Ontario confused about whether they are currently permitted to reopen. There was no consultation requested from the Government with the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) about how Photographers can operate their businesses safely. The Roadmap only indicates that Photography Studios and Services will be permitted to reopen in Step 2 with restrictions, however, no restrictions or guidelines have been given. The PPOC has been providing COVID safety guidance to Photographers since the beginning of the Pandemic and has requested to have an audience with the government several times over the past year.

“Individuals and families are being denied the documentation of important occasions such as graduations, engagements, weddings, or the birth of a baby by a professional photographer,” said Linda Ryma, Chair of the Ontario Region of the PPOC. “Under the current rules, social gatherings up to five people (and soon to be 10 people) are permitted to gather outside. Adding a photographer who can work from a distance would not increase any risk of COVID exposure.”

“We have been lobbying the Ontario Government since the beginning of the pandemic to provide important input about the photography industry, however, our attempts at communication have all been ignored,” indicated Jennifer Gilbert, National Director for Ontario. “It is unclear why Commercial and Industrial photographers are permitted to work, however, retail photographers (which is an outdated term) must remain closed. All we are asking is to be at the table to participate in the creation of policies for our industry.”

The Professional Photographers of Canada is Canada’s oldest and most recognized professional photography association and is considered by many to Canada’s leader in developing and maintaining the highest level of photographic excellence, and adherence to professional standards.  Our central office receives a significant number of calls from potential photography clients as well as member and non-member photographers, seeking guidance as to what services are currently permitted. The Ontario government’s failure to adequately address photography services throughout the course of the pandemic has made it virtually impossible to provide answers with any degree of confidence. 

The PPOC is asking to be involved in the process in an effort to eliminate the confusion that currently surrounds our industry.

For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Gilbert                                    Linda Ryma

National Director, Ontario                    Chair, Ontario Region

ondirector@ppoc.ca                             onchair@ppoc.ca

(647) 448-9934                                    (807) 620-2350


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Friday, December 4, 2020

Drone Workshop with Yifei Zhao of Altex Academy by Sean McKinnon

Welcome to our first branch meeting of 2021!

A PPOC_ON Tri-Branch Event - Central, Hamilton-Niagara & Western Ontario branches

AlteX Academy is one of Canada’s premier drone pilot training facilities.

Yifei Zhao, Operations Director will lead this presentation…

With over 10 years of experience in film production, Yifei has trained over 2,000 drone pilots to get their drone license in Canada. Join Yifei for this workshop to understand the Drone Business for Photographers.

In this workshop, we’ll discuss Drone Licensing, Applications, Equipment, and all other business aspects of Drones for Photographers.

Presentation Summary:

• Drone Licensing and Training
• Commercial Drone Applications
• Best Camera Drones
• Drone Business Insights
• Where Can I FlyAlteX Academy website - https://altexacademy.com

Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Tuesday, January 26th – 7:00 to 9:00 PM EDT


You can also dial in using your phone.
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373
Access Code: 341-834-381

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:


2018 PPOC Drone Day – Image courtesy of AlteX Academy

Friday, July 24, 2020

PPOC-ON 2020 Regional Image Salon by Sean McKinnon

We are pleased to present the PPOC-ON Regional Image Salon entry dates and fees.

Competition rules and upload links are available here: 2020 Ontario Region Image Salon Rules.

Please note that judging will occur online because of COVID-19.

2020 Ontario Region Image Salon Dates

Monday, June 8, 2020

COVID-19 : Getting back to work! (in stages...) by Sean McKinnon

In accordance with current Ministry regulations, we recommend that outdoor and on-location photography may commence effective Friday, June 12th, if your photography business is located in the Stage 2 list of health units. The session must be less than ten people, including the photographer, and a physical distance of six feet must be maintained at all times. We further recommend that props or accessories that cannot be sanitized not be used for these types of sessions. We strongly recommend that you check with your local health unit or bylaw office prior to reopening.

Please refer to the PPOC COVID-19 resource page for additional safety measures located here: PPOC COVID-19 Guidelines

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

COVID-19 : PPOC-ON advocates for photography to be included in re-opening plan by Sean McKinnon

Members of the PPOC-ON Board, in consultation with public health, as well as member and non-member photographers of various genres, have been working to have photography explicitly named in stages 2 and 3 of Ontario's re-opening plan.

We are happy to report that an advocacy letter has been emailed to MPPs and the Office of the Premier from the PPOC, on behalf of Ontario photographers. 

We have included key contacts such as the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Health.

Because volume in numbers is important, we are encouraging all photographers to contact their MPP on this issue, and we have drafted a template that you can use.

You can find your MPP’s contact information here: MPP Contact Info

A template for the letter can be downloaded here: Microsoft Word Format | PDF Format (dated, ready to print and sign)

This is a first step towards getting us legally back to work.

Thank you!



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