PPOC-AT display image
Lighthouse Visitor, - © Michael Winsor

Friday, January 24, 2020

PPOC-AT Image Salon Winners

ppoc-at image salon winners 2020
Congratulations to all who entered our Atlantic Regional Image Salon. Everyone who had the courage to enter is a winner in our books, but here are this year's official winners.

2019 PPOC Atlantic Photographic Artist of the Year: Tracy Munson
Generously Sponsored by

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Tracy Munsun & Cindy Duclos
Tracy Munson and Cindy Duclos MPA PPOC Atlantic Chair

The Bruce Berry Award for best general print:
Andre Poirier - Safe Haven

The Frank T Pridham for best portrait print:
Victoria West - Spanish Rose

Victoria West and Cindy Duclos MPA PPOC Atlantic Chair
Victoria West and Cindy Duclos MPA PPOC Atlantic Chair

The Best out of Province:
Mike Houghton (PPOC BC) - Santa Maria della Salute

Judges Choice: 


Kamini Le Capelain MPA - Victoria West - Michael

Vanessa Dewson MPA - Andre Poirier - Guardian of the Galaxy

Bruce Berry HLM F/PPOC MPA - Krista Crellin MPA - Facing her Future

Jamie Bard MPA - Berni Wood MPA - Always on my mind

Louise Vessey MPA SPA - Victoria West - Spanish Rose

Sebastien Lavallee MPA - Krista Crellin MPA - Lost Girl

David James MPA - Amanda Beers - Feathered Hostility


Best in Class: 


Pictorial/Floral - Andre Poirier - Safe Haven

Animals - Tracy Munson - Bear Necessity

Experimental/Unclassified - Krista Powers MPA - Emergence of the Grotesque

Portrait - Berni Wood MPA - Always on my mind

Figure Study - Victoria West - Michael

Child Portrait - Victoria West - Spanish Rose

Photojournalistic Wedding - Brent McCombs - Rice Toss!

Conceptual Illustration - Victoria West - Humane Meat

Fine Art - Tracy Munson - Reclaimed Wood


Many thanks to Technicare Imaging for their continued support!




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