PPOC-AT display image
Lighthouse Visitor, - © Michael Winsor

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Atlantic Members at 2021 Nationals

The 4 winning images from National Portrait Photographer of the Year, Victoria West.
Atlantic region had a great year at our National Image Competition and Salon, with 4 of our members receiving awards, and 3 new designations.

Krista Powers, Tracy Munson, and Victoria West all received their Master of Photographic Arts designations. Congratulations!

Jason Bowie (Riverview, NB) won Best in Class for Press with his perfectly timed motocross image "Skid Row", and he was a finalist for Commercial Photographer of the Year. Not a bad showing for his first year competing at Nationals!

A black and white image of a motocross bike rider with a cloud of dust behind him.
"Skid Row" by Jason Bowie was also accepted into the 2021 Loan Collection.


Tracy Munson (Albert County, NB) won Best in Class for Animals with her beautiful portrait of a Golden Retriever in autumn leaves, titled "Golden Boy", and she was a finalist for Photographic Artist of the Year.

A Golden Retriever in Autumn Leaves
"Golden Boy" by Tracy Munson was also accepted into the 2021 Loan Collection.


MaryEllen Nealis (Fredericton, NB) was the recipient of the Yousuf Karsh Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is granted to the member with the most print merits over 4000, and can only be received once in a career. To put it in perspective, 4000 print merits is equivalent to 66 images accepted into the National Salon. Quite a tremendous achievement! Mary Ellen was also a finalist for Photographic Artist of the Year.

A lone figure silhouetted against an abstract background, titled "Isolation" by MaryEllen Nealis.
MaryEllen further went on to win Best in Class for Experimental/Unclassified with her evocative image "Isolation". It is also a part of the 2021 Loan Collection.


An indigenous woman sits on a throne of hockey sticks with a raven by her hand.
"Queen of the Ice" by MaryEllen Nealis was accepted into the 2021 Loan Collection and was a finalist for Best in Class for Conceptual/Illustration.


Speaking of amazing achievements...Victoria West (Oromocto, NB) won National Portrait Photographer of the Year for an unprecedented THIRD year in a row! As far as I can tell, this has never happened in the 51-year history of the Professional Photographers of Canada!

Victoria's image #MMIWG won Best Portrait and was accepted into the 2021 Loan Collection.

An image of an indigenous woman with a red hand over her mouth
Victoria West's portrait #MMIWG honours and raises awareness of Canada's tragically high numbers of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.


A portrait of the Lieutenant Governor of NB by Victoria West
"The Lieutenant Governor" by Victoria West was a finalist for Best in Class for Portrait.


An image of 3 naked women from behind, one is holding a baby. Stormy clouds gather over mountains in the distance.
"It Takes A Village" by National Portrait Photographer of the Year, Victoria West.


A man and a young woman grieve over a deceased or dying woman's body.

"Until We Meet Again" by National Portrait Photographer of the Year, Victoria West.




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