Saturday, April 30, 2022
Atlantic Award Winners in the National Image Competition
Please join me in congratulating our amazing members in the Atlantic Region who were recognized at the 2022 National Virtual Awards Gala!
Monday, March 28, 2022
PPOC Atlantic 2021 Image Competition and Salon
Congratulations to all the award winners in our PPOC Atlantic 2021 Regional Image Competition and Salon. We had to wait until after Nationals had been judged to start sharing the images, but now at last we can start showing them on our social media pages.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Atlantic Members at 2021 Nationals
Atlantic region had a great year at our National Image Competition and Salon, with 4 of our members receiving awards, and 3 new designations.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Featured Photographer: Tracy Munson, CPA
Our next featured photographer just won Photographic Artist of the Year in our Regional Image Competition, for the third year in a row! Please join us in congratulating Tracy Munson, CPA of Tracy Munson Photography and Focused On Canada! Tracy specializes in Pet Photography in the Greater Moncton area, and this is all very awkward for her as she is also the PPOC Atlantic Webmaster and Social Media Chair, so she has to write these posts herself.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
“Not Accepted” - A Story Of All Of Us
Image competition within PPOC, from a rather ‘different’ view. Well, different for me. In truth, I am very new to image competition…
PPOC Atlantic 2020 Image Competition and Salon
Huge congratulations to all the winners in our Regional Image Competition. We can't share their images until after Nationals in a few months, but please join us in congratulating:
Thursday, October 15, 2020
World Photographic Cup Bronze Medal
Moncton Nature Photographer Amanda Beers brought home a Bronze medal in the World Photographic Cup, for her amazing image of two terns fighting in mid-air. The WPC is an international competition, with some of the greatest photographers in the world. It is like the Olympics of photography. Huge congratulations to Amanda on this amazing achievement, with the only image she entered, and on her first time entering!